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AWHB-Growing Supporting Each Other


The AWHB- Association of Women In Home Business ( has launched!

Get Excited & Stay Excited! I have been keeping this association secret for months… and you all know how much I love to share!!!  But this was and is a very important project by the founder who is also my dear friend and mentor Janie Jones.  It was a great honor and pleasure on my part to be able to assist her with putting this together along with several other friends, leaders, and mentors like Kristie Wooten and Susan Goodknight.  I’m so happy that the CAT is finally out of the Bag!

Since we are just launching this association, I would love to invite you to be a FOUNDING MEMBER!  Now we only have 100 spots available and our association is already spreading like wild fire.  CLICK HERE to go there now and become a founding member.

This is an amazing opportunity for you to be connected with other dynamic women with the same common goal.  Through this association we’re able to come together and share our expertise, our knowledge, our stories, and hopes and dreams with one another.  And not to mention foster and develop and cultivate new friendships and even partnerships.  Just think about it, if we all unite together, we can reach our goals much faster!  Truly, together (like Obama says) we do BIG THINGS!

Janie really had a big vision and I’m so happy that I have that same vision along with the many other leaders who are already part of this association.  Support and training is something that has been a great deal of struggle or lack of for many women in home business.  Through the AWHB, women entrepreneurs will be united and will have all the support and training they need to gain the success they desire.

AWHB‘s Founder Janie, like myself, has had a great deal of experience in the home business, work from home, and network marketing industries.

She has compiled a directory that she is giving away for FREE: F.R.E.E.  Online Best Home Careers For Women.  In this F.R.E.E.  Directory, you will be able to have immediate access to  the best home careers for women. You can feel confident that the women in the directory operate their business/practices with the utmost integrity.

So if you are a woman (or know of a woman):

  • Seeking a new home career/ home business
  • Seeking to work smarter and not harder
  • Seeking help promoting your current business

Then this is an association just for you!

As you know I love to inspire, empower and connect women and men with like-minded people, training, coaches/mentors, tools and resources to make the journey to success energized, purposeful, and empowering.  I am confident and pleased to say that you will get connected to that and more through the AWHB.

So go here to AWHB to join this awesome community of women and step into your greatness, live your passions and purpose, and get the success training you need.  The Association of Women In Home Business is waiting for you!

To Your Success…

Kantrese Smith

Association of Women In Home Business Founding Members

As you are conducting your search right now for that AWESOME opportunity to do from the comfort of your own home.  I want to make sure you understand the difference between working a home based job and a home career.  Many of us didn’t know that there was a difference.  In the beginning, I know I did not.  So it is best that this is explained to you now so that you understand.

Sometimes people get confused by the terms work at home job and business opportunity. They are generally two different ways to work at home. Some people think they are interchangeable, but they really each have their own characteristics.

A work at home job is much like a job outside the home. You will be EMPLOYED by a company. You will have a Manager to report to and will be given work and often have a schedule to follow that is set by the company.  While most work at home jobs do not hire on people as employees, they are still basically working in the role of an employee.  Most work at home positions are as an independent contractor, which basically means the company does not withhold taxes and do not have to guarantee work for the person.  Most companies will pay you as W-2 employee and will pay either per minute, hourly, salary, commission or base by.  It varies by each company.

Many of these companies have tedious hiring processes.  They will have many applicants to compete with as there are not that many companies that hire employees to work from home.  These companies most likely will complete a background check and require a headset, landline, printer/fax/copier, no distractions and so forth.  Most times you will have to purchase these things to be able to start. Some companies will reimburse you for these, some will not.  If you have children, you may still need daycare or a babysitter because you cannot have any background noises or distractions for most of the positions companies offer.   With a work from home job, there is still no security and no freedom.  You can be fired or laid off at anytime.  And worst of all, with a work at home job and a traditional job; you are trading your valuable time for money.  (Find out more about work from home jobs by contacting a well known company that specializes in placing people in legitimate jobs from home: Blessed 2 Be Home. You can send them an email and get a current listing of hiring companies)

A home business is like any other business.  The person is generally responsible for every aspect of the business from customers to products to administration.  A home business owner can work with a company and sell their goods or offer their services, so they do not have to worry about products and in some cases orders.  They are Independent Contractors and issued 1099s instead of W-2s.  This shows the IRS that they are not employees and are able to receive all the tax cuts that regular business owners receive.  This means that you would be able to write off your mortgage/rent, phone bill, cell phone bill, gas, electric, car mileage, printer ink, internet, computer usage, and so much more.  However, the main point to a home business is that you are not given work to do. You are responsible for managing your business.  You will not have a boss to report to, quotas to meet, or a set schedule to work.  Most companies that you start a home business with will send you a commission check daily, weekly, and/or monthly, but if you are not working with a company and it’s your own company then you’d handle your own pay. When you are your own boss, you are in control of the income that you make.  You can give yourself a raise when you want too!  You have the ability to build a lifetime income through residual commissions (which means you get paid over and over off of something you did once—you will not get this perk with a job from home!).  A tax-deductible monetary investment is normally required some as low as $50 and often a low monthly tax-deductible overhead cost to maintain what the company provides to you to use to operate your own business.

The two terms, work at home job and home business, are often a cause for someone to get wrapped up in a work at home opportunity they do not understand. Many people mistake a home business for a work at home job and are disappointed they have to handle so much work or that they are not guaranteed paychecks on a steady basis. Others get a work at home job and are not happy at having someone give them work to do and a set schedule. That is why it is important for anyone wanting to work at home to understand the difference between the two.

I hope you enjoy all of the information provided in posting.  I know that I enjoy sharing it.   By the way, I LOVE receiving feedback from each and everyone of you… so please DO NOT be shy!  Leave a comment below & SHARE this information with your friends by clicking the links below the post to share on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and so forth.

To Your Development In Any Career You Pursue…
