mghandi-quote Bringing the True Self Home is the focus for Day 3 of Creating Peace From The Inside Out: The Power of Connection for Deepak & Oprah’s 21 Day Meditation Experience.

In today’s meditation, I learned that when we experience our essential self and make it our core identity, we have found the common ground of love and peace to connect with others. Also I learned that my true self shines through when I experience those moments in life when I felt loved, secure, and at peace.   A realization that was made clear is that this core self is the real basis for all successful and rewarding relationships in your life. The true self is fundamentally different than our false self with its ego-centered desires, judgments, and goals. When we try to establish relationships based on our ego needs, we invariably find conflict.

When I really focused on the topic of Bringing the True Self Home, I questioned myself or rather evaluated myself to see which was shining through more my “false” self or true self.  I really dug deep to identify the moments when I had the false self taking the driver seat in my life. Perhaps this is why there was and/or has been conflict in my life and with certain people who I am no longer connected with or lost touch with.  I pondered briefly if maybe they were showing their false self and that’s where the clash came from.  However, I know that the focus is not on what they do, but rather on myself, what I’m doing, what my inner self is showing others.  What self is present?

When journaling today, I reflected on the idea that all relationships come back to how I relate to myself. I listed qualities of relationship such as respect, trust, appreciation, love, non-judgment, caring, compassion, honesty, etc. and how it applies to me.  It was very useful for me to do this and identify how I show each of those qualities to myself. Then I took all of the positive qualities I identified and write down one thing I can do today to show that quality to someone else.

I’ll admit initially I was reluctant on really doing any of these activities that involved interacting with someone, but that would defeat the whole purpose of being able to truly connect with others through all relationships, right??  Lastly, I took all or any negative qualities and wrote down one thing that I could do today to feel better about that specific quality.  Needless to say, I’m learning so much more about myself and honing in on my wellbeing.

Each day it is getting better…

Repeating today’s Centering Thought over and over again:

My true self is the source of peace and love.
Shanti Hum… I am peace.

Until the next message my friend!

Blessings, Love & Light…

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader

PS. Don’t forget to sign up for Deepak & Oprah’s 21 Day Meditation Experience.  It is FREE:  (Check me out in their commercial below)
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john-milton-quoteToday is Day 2 of Creating Peace From The Inside Out: The Power of Connection of Deepak & Oprah’s 21 Day Meditation Experience.

In today’s meditation, we’re focusing on:

Ideal Relationships and Where They Come From

I learned that ideal relationships are based on how I relate and connect to my core self. To feel loved, respected, cared for, and close to others, I must find and feel those values for myself first. As Oprah said, “All that we seek in relationships will only be found if we start by knowing and actualizing love in our own being.”

I personally struggle with self compassion.  I have always been hard on myself, setting high expectations on myself and doing for others far more than I do for myself.  It’s been a journey learning how to make sure I take care of me because if I don’t then there will not be enough of me left to be there for anyone else.

Another a-ha moment I pretty much had during today’s meditation was that ideal relationships are based on how I relate and connect to my core self.  I REALLY realized that.  I discovered that I have been focused on not feeling loved, wanted, or cared for enough by others when deep down I was seeing a reflection of how I thought of myself.  So if I really want to feel loved, respected, cared for by others I do have to love myself, respect myself, and care for myself as well as show it to those people.  I have to give how I want to receive and I have to FEEL, KNOW love in my own being.

When I went to journal today, it really made me think hard about a lot of interactions or lack of interactions I have with people whether family, friends or even acquaintances.  I had to reflect on how I relate to family, friends, and coworkers and outline three qualities that define successful connection to me. Then I had to reflect upon whether I give other people those same things.

Next I had to write down the things that really push my buttons and cause a lack of peace and connection. Sadly there were quite a few things that really push my buttons, lol.  Next I had to consider how I, from my side, can overcome this disconnect thinking about (and writing)  the positive qualities I can bring out to create a connection.  There were some qualities that I can improve on and bring out such as listening more and truly respecting other people’s opinions.

Lastly, I had to think about someone I’d like to connect with but haven’t yet.  Figuring out and describing a gesture I could make towards them the next time I see them that is comfortable for me was a little bit challenging.  I think because I second guess myself or think I’m overreacting at times or most often I feel my gestures are rejected by many.  So after attempting to figure this out, I set a goal for myself to make test this out… we’ll see how it goes!

Today’s Centering Thought:

My relationships begin within, through love and caring for myself.

I have to constantly remind myself to take care of myself.  Repeating this centering thought throughout today has helped me a great deal.

Karuna Hum… I am compassion.

Until the next message my friend!

Blessings, Love & Light…

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader

PS. Don’t forget to sign up for Deepak & Oprah’s 21 Day Meditation Experience.  It is FREE:  (Check me out in their commercial below)
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I am embarking on this journey again with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey for their 21 Day Meditation series.  I’ve been participating in their series for 2 years now.  I admit that meditating was very difficult for me to do for a long time so I was a bit weary when I came across Deepak’s & Oprah’s series.  Over time of participating in each (free) 21 Day Experience with them, I’ve improved my meditation skills.  I really enjoy the way they have the meditation series laid out.  There is a topic, a focus each day.  There is a mantra, a quote (or 2), a message, a centering thought and journal questions each day. They even have a mobile app so there are no excuses on not being able to access this!  I plan to share as much of my experience with you with hopes to inspire you to participate or learn more about me and the love I have to share with you and everyone all around!

I got the opportunity a year ago to be in their promos.  I couldn’t believe it when I was contacted via social media by Oprah’s company.  I thought it was a hoax!  It turned out that it wasn’t and they wanted me to be in their commercials.  When you go to their website: you’ll see the main promotion/commercial video on their website and yours truly is in it!– GET EXCITED & STAY EXCITED™!!

This 21 Day Experience we’re focusing on:

Creating Peace From The Inside Out: The Power of Connection

I’m EXCITED to learn how to become my peaceful self from deep within my own heart. I’m looking forward to understanding and experiencing that peace starts from the inside out as well as exploring how the peace and love we find inside can grow and connect with others through all our relationships.

Day 1 focus is All Relationship Is Connection.

I learned from this meditation that in order to create heart-to-heart connections, we must begin by connecting to our own true self. Secondly, that our relationships will be strong, loving, and nurturing when our awareness is expanded.

I feel this came right on time for me.  The journal questions really helped me to identify the main people I have a deep genuine connection with and list their qualities that make our relationship a good one.  Then I had to describe one thing I can do to strengthen those qualities in each person and what gesture of love, trust or intimacy I could offer them.  A hurdle for me during this process was being able to honestly list the weak links I see in those connections and figure out one thing I can do to help repair the disconnect and bring peace to everyone involved.  I don’t know why I got so stumped on that…. I believe it is just hard for me to know what can truly repair the disconnects.  

I know one thing I did take action on is releasing and letting go of anger towards someone who I’ve known for over 16 years who meant a lot to me but hurt me pretty badly earlier this year.  I was so mad for so long but I finally was able to really forgive that person and just open the line of communication back up and use a gentle way to share the resentment I harvested so that the connection could be healed.

I have to say I’m proud of myself for accomplishing that!

The centering thought for today is:

Ideal relationships are my intention every day.  

Repeating this to myself throughout the day as I do my other affirmations really helped me a lot.  It is amazing how you see your life shift.

Aham Prema… I am love.

Yes I am love and so are you!

Until the next message my friend!

Blessings, Love & Light…

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader


Stop Taking. Start Doing.

Quite often we get so wrapped up in talking about what we want to do instead of focusing on taking action on doing those things.  It’s funny how we can talk, talk, talk, talk and TALK about all of these different things that we want to do or that we plan to do or that we’re going to do but really end up not doing it.  Why is that?  Well it’s because we’re spending more time talking about it instead of DOING IT!

When I read the quote by Walt Disney,

“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.”

I reflected on my own life and pretty much gave myself a wake up call…. I have been guilty of talking, talking, talking and sharing my plans of what I am doing instead of just focusing on DOING IT…. 

I have a few projects that I have been wanting to or “planning” to complete or launch and I’ve spent more time talking about it rather than just getting it ALL THE WAY done! So, when I read this quote, it was an instant A-HA moment for me and I told myself to STOP TALKING. START DOING. or rather… JUST DO IT!

Hopefully this message I’m sharing today will inspire you to stop talking about it, stop ONLY sharing your plans and JUST DO IT!

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader

“Kantrese Smith’s Public Announcement: No More ViSalus”– what is this all about……?

Today I come before you to share with you my Public Announcment.  Many of you have been wondering what I have been doing, why I have been quiet, and why you haven’t seen my health challenges anymore.  I wanted to take the time out to share with you all of those things.  This is a raw, unedited video (outside of adding music, titles and comments).  If you want to know what’s going on, watch the (not so short) video…

Kantrese Smith’s Public Announcement: No More ViSalus:


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No More ViSalus?

Yep…so there you have it– No More ViSalus for me.  It was a hard decision for me to make, but it was a decision that had to be made.  I have the utmost respect for the leaders, the CEOs and everyone still in ViSalus.  ViSalus is an amazing company.  It is just no longer for me due to the stomach issues I got from the Vi Shakes and the other things I mentioned in the above video.  I pray that the friendships made will remain and be cultivated.  I wish all the Vi peops all the success in the world– just No More ViSalus for me!

I appreciate all of your support and love during my journey.  You can continue to follow my fitness and health journey on my new secondary blog: Kantrese Smith’s Passion Blog (Fitness/Health: Facebook & Twitter).

Please connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and subscribe to my list to get updates, tips and strategies straight in your inbox.  I love feedback so please comment below and share if you’re led to.

Yours In Health & Mastery,  (Get Excited & Stay Excited™!!)

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader