Get Traffic 3.0 CDYou will adore this message I am excited to share with you on How to Get 400+ Leads In One Day From Facebook. This is a Get Traffic 3.0 SECRET!  If you did not know, I am informing you today that GOOGLE is DEAD and many businesses are lying in their graves next to it.  This information that I am about to share with you will BLOW YOU AWAY!  I am going to introduce you to our industry’s first Facebook Master… check out my quick introduction video below to see EXACTLY what I am talking about…

Watch How to Get 400+ Leads In One Day From Facebook [Get Traffic 3.0 SECRETS REVEALED & BONUSES] below..

Click Here to see it on YouTube

So let’s get to the Get Traffic 3.0 Secrets…

It’s time for you to meet Mr. ” X”– The Mystery Man who is going to drop some BOMBS when it comes to getting more leads and traffic for your business !!

This individual is one of the early pioneers of Facebook Advertising in our industry…

… And has achieved some of the largest lead days I’ve ever heard about, at some of the CHEAPEST prices you could imagine.

I’m not kidding you, he has even gotten clicks for FREE BEFORE. He shows it inside today’s training. (It is TOTALLY nuts!!!)

Needless to say, if you want to be at the future of where most of our industry’s traffic & leads are going to come from…
… And you want to be there NOW, mastering it, so you have this skill to profit from for the rest of your life, then you need to watch this asap…

—> Get Traffic 3.0

What these guys are teaching is so leading edge it’s never been shared before.  Check out today’s video now, & be SUPER ready for more updates to come from me soon.

Jonathan’s “Get Traffic 3.0” first ever complete Facebook PPC coaching program is going live on Monday the 18th…

… And I wouldn’t miss it for the WORLD right now.  And I have something SPECIAL for you!  You should know by now how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE giving gifts….

Get Traffic 3.0 Bonuses

When you take IMMEDIATE ACTION on the Monday Oct 18th, 2010 when Get Traffic 3.0 goes live, you’ll get the following bonuses from me:

  1. Access to my Private Training Libray that I have invested $1000 of dollars in training on topics like SEO, List Building, Monetizing, Blogging, Branding, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing and more done by myself and my awesome Social Media & Marketing Expert 7 Figure Networkers ($1500+ value)
  2. 45 minute Coaching Session on Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, or Online Marketing ($147 value)
  3. Free Customized Self Hosted Word Press Blog (over $500 value)

And for 3 of you who take SUPER FAST IMMEDIATE ACTION… I have some EXTRA Gifts for YOU!

First Place will get:
  • 2- 1 hour Coaching Sessions ($400 value)
  • $25 Restaurant Gift Certificates for 3 months to the participating restaurant of your choice ($75 value)
  • $50 Gift Card to an awesome online gift store
  • Special access to WordPress & Facebook Mastery training course ($397+ value)
  • And all of the above original gifts!
Second Place will get:
  • 2- 45min Coaching Sessions ($294 value)
  • $25 Restaurant Gift Certificate to the participating restaurant of your choice
  • $25 Gift Card to an awesome online gift store
  • And all of the above original gifts!
Third Place will get:
  • 2- 30min Coaching Sessions ($200 value)
  • $25 Restaurant Gift Certificate to the participating restaurant of your choice
  • $10 Gift Card to an awesome online gift store
  • And all of the above original gifts!

(updated on 10/17/2010)
PLUS Fast Action will get you these bonuses from my coach, mentor, friend & Get Traffic 3.0 creator Jonathan Budd himself!

1. The first 3 to join today morning get 3 (30 minute) personal coaching sessions with Jonathan to
mind map your ’7-figure’ future.

(you can’t buy this currently.  And if you tried… Jonathan would charge $2,000 minimum.)

2. The first 10 get 3 (60 minute) coaching sessions with one of Jonathan’s elite “Empowered Entrepreneurs”
personal coaches to get hands on help, training, & implementation on any thing you need in YOUR

3.  The first 25 get a FREE 3 month ‘Tuition’ to his $997 elite inner circle group coaching program, where you meet
every Monday night to learn the most powerful money making tactics in our industry. (Value: $997)

4.  The first 200 are going to get a free $497 ticket to Jonathan’s Unstoppable Entrepreneur live event happening at the beginning of 2011!

BUY Get Traffic 3.0—> CLICK HERE NOW

Wow!! So what are you waiting for!?  Go get ahead of those who are just waiting for things to happen in their businesses!

If you like the training on How to Get 400+ Leads in One Day from Facebook and Get Traffic 3.0 and the RIDICULOUS bonuses, please leave a comment below and SHARE with your networks and friends on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and others alike!

I’m so looking forward to assisting you in any and every way that I can while watching and empowering your success in social media marketing!!


Please be advised Kantrese Smith will earn an affiliate commission when you purchase through her affiliate link for Get Traffic 3.0 Facebook Coaching Program. The above bonuses will only be awarded once Kantrese Smith receives 3 affiliate sales between the October 18th, 2010, 9am(pst) and October 24th, 2010, 11:59pm (pst) for the following items; $25 Restaurant Gift Cards, $50/$25/$10 Online Gift Store Gift Cards, Limited Access to Private Training Library, WordPress Mastery and Facebook Training Course and Coaching Sessions.  A cash equivalent may be rewarded for all bonuses if the purchaser resides outside of North America. All bonuses will be awarded after Kantrese Smith has received her affiliate commissions through paypal from Empowered Entrepreneurs for the affiliate sales from Get Traffic 3.0. Kantrese Smith reserves the right to change the bonuses during or after Get Traffic 3.0 is for sale. Bonuses may not be exactly as shown.

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