Today I want to speak with you on the Importance of NOT “Throwing Up” on Your Prospects. Quite often when we learn something new, when we are doing something we love and are passionate and excited about, we want to share it with the world. When we go to share what we know with the world, we often get overly excited that we end up telling it all, unloading every last single thing we know on the ears of those that are listening. This is what we call “Throwing Up” on people. You are unleashing all that you know and overloading and overwhelming your listener with everything and this can be extremely damaging when you’re building a business.
Watch my message below in the video: Importance of NOT ‘Throwing Up’ on Your Prospects
Part 1
Part 2
To avoid “Throwing Up” on your prospects you should do the following things.
1. Have organized thoughts and details. Its good to have an outline, bullet points, or even a script to use as a guide when you are talking to keep your thoughts in an organized format.
2. Never overwhelm your prospect. #1 will assist with this, but also knowing what is too much and what is not enough to say.
3. KISS rule. Keep It Short & Simple. Be clear and concise. Use third party verification. Having someone else to validate your products, services and opportunity is always a bonus such as a sizzle call, webinar, or even 3-way.
4. Focus on THEM. When you are speaking with a prospect, the key is to get to know them. To learn more about them and get them talking about themselves. Just think about it, who doesn’t like to talk about themselves? You will, during the course of speaking with them, get to know them and see if they are someone you want to partner with. You have to get them “playing ball” with you. This is done by engaging in conversation and asking them questions and answering their questions. For example, You say “How are you today?” He says, “I’m fine and you?” You say “I’m doing well, thanks for asking. What can I do to assist you?” He says, “I need a lot of assistance, what kind do you provide?” and so forth.
Make the conversation about them while remaining in control of the conversation by being the one asking the questions & actively listening to them.
Talking too much and giving too much information without developing a relationship with your prospect will kill your business. You must refrain from overloading your prospects with too much information. You want them to know that building a business is not overly complicated. You don’t want them to feel as though they have to do what you did when you were talking too much. This will be a MAJOR discouraging factor. You want to have things simplified and easy for your prospect to relate and want to do when they partner with you. So understanding the importance of not “throwing up” on your prospects is one ESSENTIAL part to your success.
So, if you like the message on the Importance of NOT ‘Throwing’ Up on Your Prospects and you see how it can be of great value to someone else, please provide a comment below and SHARE this on your twitter, facebook, myspace and other social networks.
To Your Prospecting & Sponsoring Success…
Blessings, Love & Light…