My Passion Promoting Health and Physical Fitness in Youth and Community (CBS 6 News Interview Included)
*Me holding my second place plaque and medal at AAU Junior Olympics 99
I don’t think I ever shared this with you. One of my true passions is promoting health and physical fitness in youth and community. Ever since I was in the 4th grade or as long as I can remember, I have always loved to run and be fit. I got my first taste of competition in gym class running the one-mile and beating everyone including the boys in elementary school I was attending. Then the first time I ran at an event was when I was in the 5th grade and they created 5th grade running teams for each elementary school in my district and we ran against each other at the Colonial Relays at William & Mary. I remember how fast my heart pounded, how determined I was to win— and we did!
*(L to R) Briana, Melissa, Me, Allison (Alliy) & Elicia at Newport News Cross Country Meet in ’98
I sit back and think about how ACTIVE I was when I was young. Then I compare it to how children are now a days… it is NOT the same. With the advancements in technology, the Wii, X-box, Playstation, iPhone, etc… children are not as physically active anymore. They are glued to the latest gidget or gadget. People wonder why obesity is our fastest growing disease in our country. It saddens me so much to see the high percentage of obesity related deaths for children in our country alone. When I began to really observe this, it made me want to make a change… to find a solution to help my family, the youth and the community and of course the world And I figured I’d find something that was also in alignment with Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Initiative that I’m extremely passionate about.
I think this is why I was so passionate and driven to be the Chairperson of my daughter’s school biggest fundraising event- Holton’s 5k Run/Walk Festival. You have to watch the interview CBS News did with me about Holton’s 5k Run/Walk Festival I organized. Watch the CBS 6 News video here: Hundreds set to take part in Holton 5k Race.
Then to further fuel my passion and drive to promote health, physical fitness and proper nutrition, God led me to join an amazing company this year that is in direct alignment with these passions. I am enjoying helping so many people to join the fastest growing 90 Day Health Challenge in the Nation AND help them to reach their health goals. I get such an amazingly warm feeling inside as I’m able to be of service to others. It’s not about me at all… it’s all about helping them to finally succeed in obtaining health goals they have failed to meet or maintain in other weight loss or fitness programs they’ve joined in the past.
I, myself, joined the 90 Day Health Challenge not to lose weight– God knows I can’t afford to lose weight, lol. I joined to gain and maintain healthy weight (5-10 more lbs), put on lean muscles, have more energy, have better nutrition and optimal overall health. Soon I will be sharing more about my personal 90 Day Health Challenge I began on Jan 18th in another blog post (including the BEFORE pictures).
For the most part, I wanted to share this message with you today to inspire, encourage and empower you to follow your passions, to get more physically active and become more aware of what you are putting in your body nutritional wise. I hope that by sharing My Passion Promoting Health and Physical Fitness in Youth and Community it will inspire you to do the same in your own community.
If you like what I shared with you today, please share this message with all of your social networks, friends and family. And I LOVE feedback! Share your thoughts on this message below.
Until the next message…
To your Health…
*Me running (Cross Country) at the Eastern State Invitational in ’98
*Me running (Cross Country) at the Eastern State Invitational in ’98 coming in the final stretch.