“Kantrese Smith’s Public Announcement: No More ViSalus”– what is this all about……?

Today I come before you to share with you my Public Announcment.  Many of you have been wondering what I have been doing, why I have been quiet, and why you haven’t seen my health challenges anymore.  I wanted to take the time out to share with you all of those things.  This is a raw, unedited video (outside of adding music, titles and comments).  If you want to know what’s going on, watch the (not so short) video…

Kantrese Smith’s Public Announcement: No More ViSalus:


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No More ViSalus?

Yep…so there you have it– No More ViSalus for me.  It was a hard decision for me to make, but it was a decision that had to be made.  I have the utmost respect for the leaders, the CEOs and everyone still in ViSalus.  ViSalus is an amazing company.  It is just no longer for me due to the stomach issues I got from the Vi Shakes and the other things I mentioned in the above video.  I pray that the friendships made will remain and be cultivated.  I wish all the Vi peops all the success in the world– just No More ViSalus for me!

I appreciate all of your support and love during my journey.  You can continue to follow my fitness and health journey on my new secondary blog: Kantrese Smith’s Passion Blog (Fitness/Health: Facebook & Twitter).

Please connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and subscribe to my list to get updates, tips and strategies straight in your inbox.  I love feedback so please comment below and share if you’re led to.

Yours In Health & Mastery,  (Get Excited & Stay Excited™!!)

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader


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