I am embarking on this journey again with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey for their 21 Day Meditation series.  I’ve been participating in their series for 2 years now.  I admit that meditating was very difficult for me to do for a long time so I was a bit weary when I came across Deepak’s & Oprah’s series.  Over time of participating in each (free) 21 Day Experience with them, I’ve improved my meditation skills.  I really enjoy the way they have the meditation series laid out.  There is a topic, a focus each day.  There is a mantra, a quote (or 2), a message, a centering thought and journal questions each day. They even have a mobile app so there are no excuses on not being able to access this!  I plan to share as much of my experience with you with hopes to inspire you to participate or learn more about me and the love I have to share with you and everyone all around!

I got the opportunity a year ago to be in their promos.  I couldn’t believe it when I was contacted via social media by Oprah’s company.  I thought it was a hoax!  It turned out that it wasn’t and they wanted me to be in their commercials.  When you go to their website: https://chopracentermeditation.com/ you’ll see the main promotion/commercial video on their website and yours truly is in it!– GET EXCITED & STAY EXCITED™!!

This 21 Day Experience we’re focusing on:

Creating Peace From The Inside Out: The Power of Connection

I’m EXCITED to learn how to become my peaceful self from deep within my own heart. I’m looking forward to understanding and experiencing that peace starts from the inside out as well as exploring how the peace and love we find inside can grow and connect with others through all our relationships.

Day 1 focus is All Relationship Is Connection.

I learned from this meditation that in order to create heart-to-heart connections, we must begin by connecting to our own true self. Secondly, that our relationships will be strong, loving, and nurturing when our awareness is expanded.

I feel this came right on time for me.  The journal questions really helped me to identify the main people I have a deep genuine connection with and list their qualities that make our relationship a good one.  Then I had to describe one thing I can do to strengthen those qualities in each person and what gesture of love, trust or intimacy I could offer them.  A hurdle for me during this process was being able to honestly list the weak links I see in those connections and figure out one thing I can do to help repair the disconnect and bring peace to everyone involved.  I don’t know why I got so stumped on that…. I believe it is just hard for me to know what can truly repair the disconnects.  

I know one thing I did take action on is releasing and letting go of anger towards someone who I’ve known for over 16 years who meant a lot to me but hurt me pretty badly earlier this year.  I was so mad for so long but I finally was able to really forgive that person and just open the line of communication back up and use a gentle way to share the resentment I harvested so that the connection could be healed.

I have to say I’m proud of myself for accomplishing that!

The centering thought for today is:

Ideal relationships are my intention every day.  

Repeating this to myself throughout the day as I do my other affirmations really helped me a lot.  It is amazing how you see your life shift.

Aham Prema… I am love.

Yes I am love and so are you!

Until the next message my friend!

Blessings, Love & Light…

Your Exuberant Servant Heart Leader

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