As I have taught my students and as I have learned myself over the past years, the most important thing to do in marketing is list building. You MUST build your list. No list equals No money!
Here are 3 Top List Building Strategies that I have learned and found are the BEST when it comes to effectively generating a list; especially with high conversion rates.
1. Lead Capture Page List Building Strategy
There are two key ways and types of capture pages that have a higher conversion rate. For those who do not understand what conversion rate is. That is referring to the rate of traffic to the lead capture page that are actually converted into opt-in leads and sales.
First way is to make a “Jessica Rabbit” or Irresistible Capture page. This is a lead page that no one can resist. It is too irresistible! You want to use a RED Headline and Quotation marks to imply importance and increases conversions. Next, you want your headline to be your MAIN BENEFIT. It should be all about benefits for your prospects and not the features of your product, service or opportunity. Keep in mind “what is your prospect going to get.” The most important thing to do is to pair the feature with the benefit.
Second way is with your video on your capture page or a video capture page in general. You want to make sure the video starts on AUTOPLAY, and is LEFT Justified. Most importantly you want to tell your prospect EXACTLY what they’re going to get in the first 10 seconds.
- Make sure the opt-in box for your prospects to fill in their information is RIGHT justified.
- Make sure you draw arrows to your box.
- Keep the information above the fold of the page. There should be no scrolling!
2. Video Marketing List Building Strategy
This is a pretty much free way to have what I consider a home-made professional commercial. You can use your built in webcam, external webcam that you purchase or even get a Flip Mino HD from When building a list through Video Marketing, you want to make SHORT 2-5 minute little videos. You want to target all the same keywords that you are bidding on in pay-per-click marketing. Make sure you link back to your capture page in the description of your video and in the video. You also want to include your keyword(s) in your title of the video, the description, and the tags.
3. Pay-Per Click List Building Strategy
Make sure you use Google Adwords, MSN Adcenter and Yahoo for your Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns. If you do this smart, you won’t spend too much money in the beginning. You want to place ads going back to your capture pages on all those search engines. DO NOT USE YOUR Corporate websites (unless they are capture pages). You want to be able to have the traffic opt-in immediately. Here is some great tips… you first use a lead capture page targeted to offer FREE information and training to home business owners all over the industry on how to grow any business they want. You want to lead with free information, giving knowledge and value away to people all over the industry to build a list. Next, you want to bid on key words. For example, let’s say you’re deciding to do a review on a new MLM. You would put “New MLM [NAME] Review” in the title, in the description and the tags. Using this method can get you at the top of search engines and you’re prospects will see you everywhere! Get Excited!
Well those were my FAST 3 TOP List Building Strategies!
So… what are your thoughts?
I hope you enjoyed what I have shared with you in this posting on list building. I know that I enjoyed sharing it. I LOVE receiving feedback from each and everyone of you… so please DO NOT be shy! Leave a comment below & SHARE this information with your friends by clicking the links below the post to share on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and so forth.
To Your Success in List Building…